What are the supported operating systems?
What are the supported audio/video/subtitle stream decoders?
Which audio/video decoders does sfeMovie include?
My program says it could not find any decoder for the given file
I get a few pixels black border on the right when playing my movie, why?
I have found an issue, what should I do?
OS | Minimum OS version | Compiler | Architecture |
Linux | N/A | GCC & Clang | Intel 64 bits |
macOS | macOS 10.7 and later | Clang | Intel 64 bits |
Windows | Windows XP and later | Visual C++ 2013 and later | Intel 32 bits |
The ones FFmpeg support. Basically this means AIFF, AVI, CAF, DV, FLAC, FLV, MKV, MOV, OGG and WAV files. But you should not misunderstand what file formats are. They are just containers for miscellaneous codecs. Supporting a file format does not mean you'll be able to play that file, a decoder for the contained audio/video/subtitle stream is also required.
aa, aac, ac3, act, adf, adp, adx, aea, afc, aiff, amr, anm, apc, ape, apng, aqtitle, asf, asf_o, ass, ast, au, avi, avisynth, avr, avs, bethsoftvid, bfi, bfstm, bink, bintext, bit, bmv, boa, brstm, c93, caf, cavsvideo, cdg, cdxl, cine, concat, data, daud, dfa, dirac, dnxhd, dsf, dsicin, dss, dts, dtshd, dv, dvbsub, dxa, ea, ea_cdata, eac3, epaf, ffm, ffmetadata, filmstrip, flac, flic, flv, fourxm, frm, g722, g723_1, g729, gif, gsm, gxf, h261, h263, h264, hevc, hls, hnm, ico, idcin, idf, iff, ilbc, image2, image2_alias_pix, image2_brender_pix, image2pipe, image_bmp_pipe, image_dds_pipe, image_dpx_pipe, image_exr_pipe, image_j2k_pipe, image_jpeg_pipe, image_jpegls_pipe, image_pictor_pipe, image_png_pipe, image_qdraw_pipe, image_sgi_pipe, image_sunrast_pipe, image_tiff_pipe, image_webp_pipe, ingenient, ipmovie, ircam, iss, iv8, ivf, jacosub, jv, latm, libgme, libmodplug, libnut, libquvi, live_flv, lmlm4, loas, lrc, lvf, lxf, m4v, matroska, mgsts, microdvd, mjpeg, mlp, mlv, mm, mmf, mov, mp3, mpc, mpc8, mpegps, mpegts, mpegtsraw, mpegvideo, mpjpeg, mpl2, mpsub, msnwc_tcp, mtv, mv, mvi, mxf, mxg, nc, nistsphere, nsv, nut, nuv, ogg, oma, paf, pcm_alaw, pcm_f32be, pcm_f32le, pcm_f64be, pcm_f64le, pcm_mulaw, pcm_s16be, pcm_s16le, pcm_s24be, pcm_s24le, pcm_s32be, pcm_s32le, pcm_s8, pcm_u16be, pcm_u16le, pcm_u24be, pcm_u24le, pcm_u32be, pcm_u32le, pcm_u8, pjs, pmp, pva, pvf, qcp, r3d, rawvideo, realtext, redspark, rl2, rm, roq, rpl, rsd, rso, rtp, rtsp, sami, sap, sbg, sdp, sdr2, segafilm, shorten, siff, sln, smacker, smjpeg, smush, sol, sox, spdif, srt, stl, str, subviewer, subviewer1, sup, swf, tak, tedcaptions, thp, tiertexseq, tmv, truehd, tta, tty, txd, vc1, vc1t, vivo, vmd, vobsub, voc, vplayer, vqf, w64, wav, wc3, webm_dash_manifest, webvtt, wsaud, wsvqa, wtv, wv, xa, xbin, xmv, xwma, yop, yuv4mpegpipe
The provided sfeMovie binaries include either the free decoders (flac, opus, theora, vorbis, vp8, vp9) or all the native decoders (see below). If you use the binaries with all the decoders, be aware of the royalties that may apply.
AAC, AC3, FLAC, MP3, PCM, Vorbis, WMA
H.264 (aka MPEG-4 AVC), MPEG4, Theora, VP9, WMV
All the bitmap subtitle formats: dvdsub and xsub.
aac, aac_fixed, aac_latm, aasc, ac3, ac3_fixed, adpcm_4xm, adpcm_adx, adpcm_afc, adpcm_ct, adpcm_dtk, adpcm_ea, adpcm_ea_maxis_xa, adpcm_ea_r1, adpcm_ea_r2, adpcm_ea_r3, adpcm_ea_xas, adpcm_g722, adpcm_g726, adpcm_g726le, adpcm_ima_amv, adpcm_ima_apc, adpcm_ima_dk3, adpcm_ima_dk4, adpcm_ima_ea_eacs, adpcm_ima_ea_sead, adpcm_ima_iss, adpcm_ima_oki, adpcm_ima_qt, adpcm_ima_rad, adpcm_ima_smjpeg, adpcm_ima_wav, adpcm_ima_ws, adpcm_ms, adpcm_sbpro_2, adpcm_sbpro_3, adpcm_sbpro_4, adpcm_swf, adpcm_thp, adpcm_thp_le, adpcm_vima, adpcm_xa, adpcm_yamaha, aic, alac, alias_pix, als, amrnb, amrwb, amv, anm, ansi, ape, apng, ass, asv1, asv2, atrac1, atrac3, atrac3p, aura, aura2, avrn, avrp, avs, avui, ayuv, bethsoftvid, bfi, bink, binkaudio_dct, binkaudio_rdft, bintext, bmp, bmv_audio, bmv_video, brender_pix, c93, cavs, ccaption, cdgraphics, cdxl, cinepak, cljr, cllc, comfortnoise, cook, cpia, cscd, cyuv, dca, dds, dfa, dirac, dnxhd, dpx, dsd_lsbf, dsd_lsbf_planar, dsd_msbf, dsd_msbf_planar, dsicinaudio, dsicinvideo, dss_sp, dvbsub, dvdsub, dvvideo, dxa, dxtory, eac3, eacmv, eamad, eatgq, eatgv, eatqi, eightbps, eightsvx_exp, eightsvx_fib, escape124, escape130, evrc, exr, ffv1, ffvhuff, ffwavesynth, fic, flac, flashsv, flashsv2, flic, flv, fourxm, fraps, frwu, g2m, g723_1, g729, gif, gsm, gsm_ms, h261, h263, h263i, h263p, h264, h264_crystalhd, h264_mmal, h264_qsv, h264_vda, h264_vdpau, hap, hevc, hevc_qsv, hnm4_video, hq_hqa, hqx, huffyuv, iac, idcin, idf, iff_byterun1, iff_ilbm, imc, indeo2, indeo3, indeo4, indeo5, interplay_dpcm, interplay_video, jacosub, jpeg2000, jpegls, jv, kgv1, kmvc, lagarith, libcelt, libdcadec, libfdk_aac, libgsm, libgsm_ms, libilbc, libopencore_amrnb, libopencore_amrwb, libopenjpeg, libopus, libschroedinger, libspeex, libstagefright_h264, libutvideo, libvorbis, libvpx_vp8, libvpx_vp9, libzvbi_teletext, loco, mace3, mace6, mdec, metasound, microdvd, mimic, mjpeg, mjpegb, mlp, mmvideo, motionpixels, movtext, mp1, mp1float, mp2, mp2float, mp3, mp3adu, mp3adufloat, mp3float, mp3on4, mp3on4float, mpc7, mpc8, mpeg1_vdpau, mpeg1video, mpeg2_crystalhd, mpeg2_qsv, mpeg2video, mpeg4, mpeg4_crystalhd, mpeg4_vdpau, mpeg_vdpau, mpeg_xvmc, mpegvideo, mpl2, msa1, msmpeg4_crystalhd, msmpeg4v1, msmpeg4v2, msmpeg4v3, msrle, mss1, mss2, msvideo1, mszh, mts2, mvc1, mvc2, mxpeg, nellymoser, nuv, on2avc, opus, paf_audio, paf_video, pam, pbm, pcm_alaw, pcm_bluray, pcm_dvd, pcm_f32be, pcm_f32le, pcm_f64be, pcm_f64le, pcm_lxf, pcm_mulaw, pcm_s16be, pcm_s16be_planar, pcm_s16le, pcm_s16le_planar, pcm_s24be, pcm_s24daud, pcm_s24le, pcm_s24le_planar, pcm_s32be, pcm_s32le, pcm_s32le_planar, pcm_s8, pcm_s8_planar, pcm_u16be, pcm_u16le, pcm_u24be, pcm_u24le, pcm_u32be, pcm_u32le, pcm_u8, pcm_zork, pcx, pgm, pgmyuv, pgssub, pictor, pjs, png, ppm, prores, prores_lgpl, ptx, qcelp, qdm2, qdraw, qpeg, qtrle, r10k, r210, ra_144, ra_288, ralf, rawvideo, realtext, rl2, roq, roq_dpcm, rpza, rv10, rv20, rv30, rv40, s302m, sami, sanm, sgi, sgirle, shorten, sipr, smackaud, smacker, smc, smvjpeg, snow, sol_dpcm, sonic, sp5x, srt, ssa, stl, subrip, subviewer, subviewer1, sunrast, svq1, svq3, tak, targa, targa_y216, tdsc, text, theora, thp, tiertexseqvideo, tiff, tmv, truehd, truemotion1, truemotion2, truespeech, tscc, tscc2, tta, twinvq, txd, ulti, utvideo, v210, v210x, v308, v408, v410, vb, vble, vc1, vc1_crystalhd, vc1_qsv, vc1_vdpau, vc1image, vcr1, vima, vmdaudio, vmdvideo, vmnc, vorbis, vp3, vp5, vp6, vp6a, vp6f, vp7, vp8, vp9, vplayer, vqa, wavpack, webp, webvtt, wmalossless, wmapro, wmav1, wmav2, wmavoice, wmv1, wmv2, wmv3, wmv3_crystalhd, wmv3_vdpau, wmv3image, wnv1, ws_snd1, xan_dpcm, xan_wc3, xan_wc4, xbin, xbm, xface, xl, xsub, xwd, y41p, yop, yuv4, zero12v, zerocodec, zlib, zmbv
Make sure your file only contains supported encoded streams (see What are the supporte audio/video stream decoders?).
In case you're sure there is something wrong, see I have found an issue, what should I do?.
Because the width of your movie isn't a multiple of 8. This is a FFmpeg optimization when converting pixels from YUV to RGBA. There is a way to perfectly support other widths but it implies a high performance cost, especially for high resolutions movies. Moreover, most movies' width is a multiple of 8. That's why sfeMovie sticks with this limitation for resolutions with more than 500,000 pixels/image.
First make sure the issue is on sfeMovie's side and not in your code by using the sfeMovie sample code. If you didn't understand something well, that should be reported too. In case you still have the issue, have a look at the reported issues in GitHub issues section.